Energy Market Analysis: The product deals with supply, demand and price formation for one or several sources of energy, in addition some projections are made.
Macro and Microeconometrics Analysis: Macroeconomic analysis using time series and general equilibrium models. Microeconomis analysis using database surveys.
Economic Pre Feasibility Studies for Energy Projects: The product study the feasibility to introduce a new source of energy inside the economy. Demand projections and, most important, the competitive prices for the new source of energy, regarding the current sources, are important part of the final report.
Energy Matrix Projections: Basically the product consist in the projection of supply and demand (usually under different scenarios) in the economy, with that we can anticipate the sources and destinations of energy in the future.
Tax Systems and E&P contracts in the upstream sector: The product study the tax system (and E&P contracts) competitiveness with other countries, their progressiveness and the capacity to attract new investment to the upstream sector.
Energy Demand Projections: The product consists in the projections of one source of energy demand under different prices and economic growth scenarios.
Energy Public Policy Impact Evaluation: Using general equilibrium models, microsimulation techniques, econometric projections, stochastic simulations and others the product evaluates the social and economic impact of one public energy policy, from a fiscal, internal supply, subsidies and other points of view.
Price and Subsidies Analysis: Using households surveys and microsimulation techniques the product evaluates the impact, on the poorest population, of the creation or elimination of a energy price subsidy.
Economic and Financial Evaluation of Energy Projects: The product consist in the evaluation of some energy project under the legal framework and economic conditions of one country. Usually this product allows to the investor to evaluate the risk of the project under the economic and institutional situation.